Sunday, January 18, 2009

October 26th, 2008

At this time, may I call your attention to those listed on page 4 in the bulletin, please keep there names, and there families, in your prayers throughout the week.

Now let us remember the prayers we hold in our hearts….

Dear God, in times like these we often forget to show how much we love one another, and our love for you. We look for the easiest way out, and even if it may hurt someone else to get there, we often take this path

Lord, this is not who we are, so we ask of you to please stay with us we try to overcome our countries current crisis. We need you here to remind us that even though the election is around the corner that we must always be honest with ourselves, with others, and with you, oh lord.

We ask for your forgiveness for we have not forgotten how to love. But I am sure it must seem that way. Please help us through this great time of need, and stay with those who need you most. We know we have wronged, and we ask you to make us right.

We thank you for being hear with us today, we feel your presence and we know that you are among us. God, we thank you for you’re giving us your overwhelming love and teaching us how to love one another. Thank you for you grace, for your forgiveness, and for you patients.

With the college search hanging over the heads of almost all high school seniors, we truly do wish our parents had a little bit more of your patients. However, we know they understand because they have been there before, and we know they just want what’s best for us.

Help us to remember those in need, on this morning, those around the world, and those in our own neighborhoods. For sometimes Lord, we forget that there are many people in our own community, even in our church family that needs our prayers.

Let us at this time remember all of those serving our country over seas right now, and those who have served our country in war, the Veterans, for they have greatly helped our country get to where we are today. Have them feel a sense of peace and connection with you.

We ask all these things and so many more in the name of Jesus Christ, our risen savior, who taught us to pray…

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