Sunday, January 4, 2009


In the beginning..
When you open up the bible the first three words you will find are "In the beginning..." From the book of Genesis chapter one, the story of creation. Well, that was my beginning, my story of creation. And my story starts out something like this...

"Megan, do you really want to be here?" -Rev. Gary Smith

"What do you mean?"-Me
"Do you really want to be confirmed, become a part of this church?"-Rev. Gary Smith
"Why?"- Rev. Gary Smith
"Uh... I don't know.."-Me
"Then why are you here?"- Rev. Gary Smith
"Because I want to be confirmed."-Me
"Think about it. And give me a real answer."-Rev. Gary Smith

That is what I did. From my first day of confirmation and on, it was the only thing on my mind. My faith, my thoughts, my beliefs, and my future life in the church were my true focus. We were required to write an essay before we were to be confirmed. This essay was to show why we thought we should be confirmed and basically what we believed in.

The essay was due on his desk by Easter morning. He had told us to start it early, he asked us to bring in rough drafts, and he said he would offer any help that we needed. But me, being who I am didn't do any of those things. I started my essay Easter morning after the Easter brunch that I served at, and the Easter service that I ushered at.

The time was 11:15 A.M., time time I finish was 11:56 A.M. I poured everything that I could possibly think of about my faith into that essay. I finally answered his question, and my own, why I wanted to be confirmed...

He told me it was one of the best confirmation essays he had ever read. Him saying that meant a lot to me. And that definitely gave my story of creation a great "In the beginning.."

...the best part is, I handed in my paper on time :)

1 comment:

  1. Confirmation is one thing, but do your really believe in Jesus?
    How does the mission of Jesus Christ matchup with the missions of this church?-McColl
    p.s.-nice post.
    p.s.s.-Jesus died on a post.
